Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New Mixes and podcast!

Hey Yall it's been a min but we have totally revamped are One Love Radio podcast so look for a Multi-media Website which will incorporate Bungalow Tv,One Love Radio,The Urban Coup,Danger Plates and Bullet Proof Turntable Music! So you can hear new mixes on the Div box below they feature Interviews with Black Blondie,St Paul Slim,Dj Snuggles And Gabe Garcia and new remixes enjoy! We are also located on the page! Holla and Look Out cause we got interviews and and new mixes with Jr. Gong Marley,Bro Ali.Medium Zack of Big Quarters!

Monday, May 18, 2009

New Podcasts coming soon! Monday, June 1st!

For those waiting for the new podcast have no fear! I have restuctured to make it a little bit more informative about politics,sports and the local music scene! More interviews,features and news reports! Thanks to First Avenue for still having us on the Bungalow Page! Thanks and keep listening!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Shitty Pages...Shame on You!

I had trouble writing this cause i dont want to shit on good friends like Jimmy 2 X'S AND Muja,aswell as people i respect like P.O.S.! BUT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! HOW IN THE FUCK CAN YOU WRITE A BLURB IN THE SHITTY PAGES ABOUT FIRST AVE BEIN THE BEST DANCE CLUB BUT OMIT THE THREE DANCE NIGHTS(BUNGALOW/RITMO AND ENERGIZE) that people of color patronize and that they(the shitty pages)dont sponsor! im callin on my friends of all colors to stop this madness! i know the city pages is not a hip hop publication but it is the leading arts and entertainment magazine that a new generation of muisc fans look too! am i im happy anytime first ave is mentioned as the best in anything(and this is clearly not there fault)! im angry cause time and time again they cover hip hop with an eye that sees only what there friends think is cool or they have a hand in,a simple call to the ave would have let them know that ritmo/bungalow do just aswell as too much love/black and ENERGIZE DOES ASWELL AS MOON GOONS! SHAME ON YOU SHITTY PAGES!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Soviet Panda

To Soviet Panda...i'm wonderin where your head is kid? Do you not know your history? Do you not know where you come from...that very V.I.P. room you started too much love in would'nt be how it is if it wasn't for me...remember who's star sits at the top when you walk ask me for a demo after you watch and listen to me dj for an hour? listen we work at the same club...when you were dis-interested in djin ...i was killin them at not only the bungalow but all over town...Ask me for a cant be serious...homey im not gonna put on blast your dj skill but if your sayin that too much love shit needs a be in on it your fuckin foolin yo-self! Anytime you wanna hadh this out on the decks...PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PARTNER!!!! HOLLLLA!

Monday, March 23, 2009

One Love Radio for the Week Of 3/23/09

New Podcasts For March 23 hope ya like fts Goodie Mobb,Beyonce,St. Paul Slim,Jazzmin Sullivan and a reggae mix of Pliers Bam Bam vs Jamie Foxx and T-Pains Blame It!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Urban Coup ft Black Blondie

The Urban Coup is the New Podcast Feature from One Love Radio that will feature local artist!
Episode one features an Exclusive interview with Black Blondie talking about there new CD "Do You Remember Who You Wanted To Be",working with Muja Messiah,and what gets Samara Daily hot and Bothered! Also enjoy new songs from Waltah PPK,St Paul Slim and Maria Isa!

Monday, February 23, 2009

One Love Radio for the Week Of 2/23/09

Wata gwan mi peoples! Its another episode of One love Radio! This one features Picks with Pushie sponsored By The Nomad World Pub! New Mixes By yours truly! Enjoy!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

One Love Radio for the Week Of 2/06/09

Check out the new podcast from Dj Verb X that features new music from Lil Buddy Mclain ft Slug and Muja Messiah aswell as new music from DOOM TREE! 

One Love Radio

One Love Radio
Bungalow Sound Systems